I hope this message finds you well. This week we will deep dive into one of the most important tools in your tool belt to have; FAITH. This one thing matters the most to your overall mission. I touched on this briefly in ‘Enter The New Year In Stack Mode’, but faith is EVERYTHING to your mission.
The definition = FAITH: complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
Now think to yourself, how many people in your life have unwavering faith in themselves? What about faith in others? Not too many, right? Having faith these days = you might appear delusional to others but to be honest, delusion is right where you need to be to bridge A and Z. Think about some of the most famous winners in life… perfect example: Kobe Bryant. He practiced religiously. He was relentless when it came to perfecting his skills on and off the ball. He had 1000% faith in himself and his skills. When he walked on the court, he looked his opponents in the eyes. Stared them down while he talked shit about their skills. Kobe Bryant had so much faith and confidence in himself, that it oozed out of his pores. Everyone on the court was both in fear of playing him AND in awe of the after effect of the work he put in. There is no winning without sacrifice and FAITH.
Faith is what keeps you going when you don’t exactly know what you’re doing but you know you’re heading in the right direction, because you.. just.. KNOW. Faith is what keeps you coming back for more even though you've fallen down so many times. Faith is what keeps you going. I knew I was the best before anybody else knew it. I had unwavering faith in myself and in my abilities. There was not a single person that could tell me I was not going to be the best. That is just how I walk around. Deep down I know I’m not in my final form BUT by walking around with this mindset, it gives me more confidence to achieve the goals I have set for myself.
The opposite side of the meter
What is the opposite of faith? Some would guess it is ‘doubt’. Wrong. It is FEAR. Fear is a parasite that feeds on any host it can get a hold of. Faith gives birth to positive thoughts. When you believe you can do things, you speak positively about yourself and the things you are doing. You think positive thoughts. Fear breeds negative thoughts. When you are scared of your abilities, you are scared to take risks and then that virus multiplies and leaks into other aspects of your life. Negative thoughts overtake any positive thoughts in your mind like a fast moving cancer. Like bacteria given the proper conditions needed to not only survive but thrive and multiply. Think about all of the times you doubted yourself vs all of the times you had the faith you could get the job done with ease.. What stands out? When you doubt yourself, you make things harder on yourself. You’re basically telling yourself “this is something I know I can’t do, who am I fooling?” vs telling yourself “I GOT THIS SHIT IN THE BAG”. Which of these statements would make you feel good about what you’re about to do? Exactly. Everything rests on your mindset. EVERYTHING. EVERY SINGLE DAY. Never forget this. Faith is the single most important ingredient in your formula for success. Without faith, no matter what other tools and resources you have, YOU WILL EVENTUALLY FAIL WITHOUT FAITH. Remember that. When it comes to weight loss, it is 80% on your diet, and 20% on you working out. Being successful in life is very much like this, 80% your mindset (HAVING FAITH IN ONESELF) and 20% the actions you take. Your mindset is the beginning of your journey and the bulk of it, just like your workouts mean NOTHING if your diet isn’t in check. The actions you take don’t matter if your mindset is off.