I know I’ve been gone, but I plan on filling you in on some of the things I’ve been working on, especially all things FSO. But for now, I’ll keep it short and simple..
First up:
I have been researching a new way to get you guys these emails AND keep an archive of my old blog posts for newcomers to get into. Back in December 2021, I started testing a new platform called Substack. Not only does it allow me to send you guys emails (like this one), it allows me to keep all of the old emails that you love the most in blog-like format! (If you have a newsletter, I highly suggest trying Substack out, I love it!) You can download the app below.
For my paid subscribers ($5/month OR $50/year), you will be able to browse thru the archive of old emails/posts. You will also benefit from getting ALL of my emails vs just getting some of them. Yes, I will eventually be putting some of my old gems in the archive, the top rated emails of all time that you guys responded to the most! I’m talking 2019-2022 FSO. If you’re reading this email, you’re subscribed to For Stackers Only already and you don’t have to do anything else. If you want to upgrade to a paid subscription, head to Substack and upgrade your account for $5/month!
Emails will start back up next week. It’s STACKTOBER so plan accordingly. We will be deep diving into topics that I have wanted to talk to you guys about for the last 2 years. Everything from artificial intelligence and its effect on technology to goal setting and mapping out your 5 year plan to simplifying your life so you can focus on other things. We have A LOT to cover and very little time to do so. IF YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW. If you don’t, we will get you up to speed.
Third, I’ll leave you with something…
Look at the world around you. Take note of the many changes. Jobs are being lost. Housing isn’t being built fast enough. Careers are being made obsolete with the advancement of technology. Salaries are not moving. The food isn’t getting any better; it has actually lost its’ previous nutritional value. Everything is changing. China has emerged as a leader in science and technology with new rankings showing that they house some of the best research schools in the world. Per the 2024 Nature Index, 6 out 10 top research universities are in China. (Yes, I will break down why China’s progress is something to watch at a later time!) This isn’t your grandparent’s day and age, THIS IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER. You must develop the skills and knowledge to keep up and stay ahead. People are falling behind. The number of permanent wage slaves grows every single day. STACK YOUR KNOWLEDGE. Prepare yourself for the new world that we currently live in. Forget the past. That’s the old mode of operation. Clean your slate and prepare for tomorrow.
Until next time..