Winning isn’t easy and neither is quitting, so pick your hard. Giving up is suicide. It’s that simple. You are killing your future self by giving up today.
Have you ever heard “shoot for the moon and end up amongst the stars”? That’s what winning is about. You just keep shooting and shooting and shooting until you hit something. But you can’t hit anything if you don’t shoot. Shooters win, it’s very simple. You can put up 100 shots and only make 4 of them and I promise you, you have accomplished A LOT more than the person that put up ZERO shots. They never even tried.
Giving up is for losers. Winners lose sometimes too, but they keep trying until they eventually win so they can take on that “winner” title. Someone who always quits will never win or ever be labeled a “winner”. It’s all in the mind. You tell your brain what you want and it will shape your thoughts around this. If you think about losing, being a loser, and not winning, guess what you are teaching yourself? LOSER TENDENCIES. If you do the opposite and think about what it takes to be a winner, what winning feels like, and what a winning life looks like… you will gravitate towards winning. It is that simple. Be careful of what you think about!
What Giving Up (Or Not) Does To You
It teaches you that what you’re doing is ok. See when you give up (or stay in the game!!), you tell your brain, “this is what I’m supposed to be doing”. So when you quit all the time, your brain eventually thinks quitting is your default setting and that’s what you need to do every time something gets hard. When you push through the hard stuff and NEVER give up, your brain eventually thinks that never giving up is your default setting. Eventually when you reach newer, harder places in life, your brain is already on autopilot and will never even dream about quitting the task at hand. You will muscle through everything until eventually you see outcomes that you like. In the opposite direction, as life gets harder, you will be more inclined to quit and throw your hands up. Life will never look better for you because you will always take the easy way out. Things only get easier as you go through life once you do the work. If you avoid the work, it only piles up in front of you. You will find yourself struggling through lessons your peers conquered a decade (or two) ago. It’s not a pretty life when you think about it. So just never give up. Don’t teach yourself that bullshit. Learn how to navigate life without throwing in the towel at the first sign of hardship. Learning this skill set will push you further in life than just about anything else. NEVER GIVE UP. THIS IS HOW YOU WIN IN LIFE!
I tweeted this last week (tbh I tweet like this all of the time, follow ME!), and it rings true ALL THE TIME. Mindset is everything. If you fail for 100 days and quit on day 101, YOU ARE A LOSER. If you fail for 100 days and win on day 101, YOU ARE A WINNER. The only difference between the two was one gave up and one didn’t. The mindset of the winner vs the loser over those 101 days was VERY different. The winner probably only thought about winning while the loser dreamed of what it would be like to just give up, or if someone handed that win to them. Wins don’t come overnight. They come with preparation and the right mindset. Thoughts materialize into actions and then eventually results. Don’t ever forget this. What you think is what you become.