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Pardon my silence last week, I was working on getting The Stack Store ready for Black Friday…
YES, You read that correctly… THE STACK STORE WILL BE OPEN FOR BLACK FRIDAY, AND WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF HOODIES FOR SALE. Yes, I know the store is locked right now, it will be open right on time!
They will sell out fast (like they always do), so stay glued to your emails… THE STACK STORE WILL BE OPEN AT 12AM ON BLACK FRIDAY, so eat with your family… and be on the lookout for the midnight drop:)
Money Moves: Crypto
I know you’re not blind and you don’t live under a rock, YOU SEE CRYPTO RUNNING? $BTC is about to bust through $100K any day now (at all-time highs… $99,000 as I type). $SOL made a new all-time high ($263). Cryptocurrencies are NOT going away. They are the FUTURE. If you ignore them, you will be left behind when the world changes over to digital currencies. You can be late, just don’t be last. I’m not here to convince you, just here to show you what is currently going on.
Don’t know where to start? I have some links for you. FSO has always been a great resource for all Stackers when it comes to getting knowledge in the crypto space. Currently, FSO is under construction, so I haven’t had a chance to update links over there, so here’s some quick ones to get you in the door and buying IMMEDIATELY:
LEARN FIRST! Ledger Academy has a great roadmap that will introduce you to web 3.0, blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, public vs private keys, and why you need to know all of this to be a long term success in this space. Just keep clicking next on the articles and you will learn everything you need to know to get started.
Download Coinbase and create an account. Coinbase has a whole section just for learning (Coinbase Earn)… and earning while you learn. I’ve earned at least $100 minimum over there and swapped it into $SOL when $SOL was below $100. Coinbase = an excellent place for beginners. Earn while you learn and take what you earn to buy whatever cryptocurrencies you’re interested in. Here’s my link: https://coinbase.com/join/95PR3WD?src=referral-linkps://coinbase.com/join/95PR3WD?src=referral-li
Download Phantom Wallet. Necessary for $SOL and the Solana network. Use DEX SCREENER to find plays. Don’t skip Ledger Academy. DO NOT.
BUY A COLD STORAGE FOR LONG TERM HOLDS! Don’t skip this step. Here are 2 great options (I USE BOTH). Don’t skip LEDGER ACADEMY or you will be lost when it comes to making wallets and keeping them secure.
I’ll leave you with this..
Life is what you make of it. When you’re successful, your brain can think of the many things you did to get yourself there. All of the work you put in, the many nights you lost sleep, it’s all there. BUT when you fail, your brain seems to skip over the lack of effort you put in for yourself. If you want to win in crypto or anything else in life, YOU MUST WORK! You will either bleed, sweat, or cry on your way to true greatness. There is no skipping this. Stop trying to. Every time you skip a step, you push yourself further back from your goal. So even when you think you’re getting closer by cheating yourself, you’re actually pushing further and further away… just by avoiding the work. GET TO WORK. Study time.
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