“Ask and you shall receive”…. I’ve had a few people hit me up about my old emails/posts so I decided to drop a few of them every now and then for those that want them and for my new Stackers as well… enjoy!
“We don’t live a fairytale, WAKE THE FUCK UP!” - Me to you
Need a boost? Here you go.
It’s not how it should be, SO WHAT
People sit around and day dream all damn day. “The world should be like this”.....”they just need to do that”....”if only the government would”... THE LIST GOES ON. I used to be one of these people in high school… then I grew the hell up and saw the world for what it was.
The government is not in the business of saving the needy.
(Say that out loud to yourself if you need to)
Notice I said “the business”. The federal government is about that check. It is a for profit entity. Once you look at it like that, YOU WAKE UP. Once you wake up, you really get moving. So wake up TODAY. Stop waiting on people that don’t care about you to do something for you and do something for yourself. If you’re not one of those people, then keep on stackin and disregard.
Time wasted is time you can’t get back. Don’t ever forget that. Don’t let people waste your time. Don’t waste people’s time. If your heart isn’t in it, let it go. Whether it be relationships, business, hobbies, or whatever you’re into. Life is what you make it. It all depends on how you spend your time on this earth. Don’t spend your time on people or projects that you don’t love.
I talk to a lot of people older than me because they tend to have a lot of experience in things that I’m just starting to go through. They all tell me the same thing. Don’t waste time in relationships that aren’t giving you what you need. Don’t keep working that job that you hate. Support those that support you. Show love to those that show love to you. Nurture those relationships. Hold people down that hold you down. Building relationships with other people in this life is key… but remember… relationships take TIME. You’re not going to build relationships worth their weight in gold overnight. So stop wasting time and get to it. Build those bridges. Stop wasting time on people that aren’t reciprocating. AND STOP WASTING TIME ON BULLSHIT THAT ISN’T ADDING TO YOUR PROGRESS!
“If you want to be something, BE IT. Don’t just talk about it, be it… eat, sleep, shit, and breathe it.” - Me
Ask yourself… “What are my intentions? Why am I doing what I’m doing? What is my endgame? Where do I want this to go?”
Don’t just say you want something. GO GET THAT SHIT. Take the necessary steps to get there. If you don’t know the steps, do your research and figure them out. THAT is being intentional.
Doing everything in your power to make sure the job gets done. Not just saying, but DOING. Not just wishing, hoping, and dreaming… but DOING. Not half assing it…. But going all the way. If you want to start something new, be all about it or don’t do it at all.THAT is being intentional. Don’t just file the LLC. Do your market research. Look at your competition. What mistakes did they make starting out? Trial and error is your best friend. Fail a few times. Learn from those failures. Don’t give up after the first L, or the second L…. or the third L. THAT is being intentional. Showing up and showing out even when shit isn’t going how you planned. Show the universe you want to be here! THAT is being intentional. Trying and failing once and giving it up is the OPPOSITE of being intentional. The universe is watching you. Remember that.
“Every single step forward is a step away from the old you..” - Me to me
Confidence in yourself is EVERYTHING. Believing that you can accomplish the things that you set out to do daily takes balls. Trust me. I set big goals and when I hit them, I do my dance on em one time! Success doesn’t come without believing in oneself. It all starts with confidence. If you know you’re the best, say that shit! Say it loud! Even if you know you’re not quite there yet, say this “I WILL BE THE BEST!!”.STAND TALL ON WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN! Be clear, the universe is listening.. Success is a multi-step thing.. You have to want it… BAD. You have to plan it. You have to execute your plan. You have to fail a few times. You have to go back and remix your plan. All while still keeping the faith that it will work out in the long run. YOU WILL MAKE MISTAKES. Stand tall on them. Learn from them. Be proud that you made them early and learned your lesson. It’s all a part of the journey you take as a Stacker.