I wasn’t going to send anything this week but I’ve been showered in so much love for my birthday tomorrow, I thought I’d return the favor.. enjoy!
I used to get asked, “HOW DO YOU DO SO MUCH??” And to be honest my responses were always about the same…
Just do. And don’t stop or give up.
Keep going until whatever task is completed.
That’s it. It’s that simple.
People tend to think that people have made it have some special super powers and characteristics that make them perform at levels higher than they themselves can currently fathom. They don’t. They just never give up. Like ever. While the average person spends 8hrs a day, 5 days a week at work… and lounges on the weekend, the above average person works 7 days a week, 10-12 hrs a day until they get what they want. The average person doesn’t know (or probably doesn’t care) that if they continue doing “the normal”, they will continue to plateau (and eventually fall behind because of the ever changing landscape). The above average person knows that if they keep working towards their goals and never give up, they will always be in an upward trajectory, no matter how many setbacks they may encounter. Think of that famous picture that shows two people digging for diamonds. The person that gives up was about a swing or two from finding treasure. The person that is still swinging is clearly about to find the treasure. That’s life. People who consistently work towards goals, always end up somewhere higher than where they started. Always. People who give up, never hit anything worth talking about.
“So how can I do more?”
MAKE A PLAN. Nothing will ever come about if you’re just flapping about aimlessly. Yeah, sure you’ll go somewhere, but not necessarily where you truly want to be. MAKE A PLAN. One for the next 30 days. One for the next 3 months. One for the next 6months. One for the next year. A 5 year plan. A 10 year plan. Write down everything you want in life and exactly the steps you need to get from point A (where you are currently) to point B (where you REALLY want to be).
STICK TO YOUR PLAN. When you make a plan and don’t see it thru, I call that a “false start”. You started but never actually got anywhere due to lack of real effort. It’s like you never intended on actually seeing it thru. Don’t do that. Stick to your plan even on the bad days when you can’t see the light. You may have a goal of making your first $100k in revenue but guess what? Some days you will see $0 recorded in sales. It happens. It will happen. Stick to it anyway.
EXPECT PERSONAL OFF DAYS. You are human. You will never operate like a robot. You get sick. You get tired. You get depressed. It happens. You will not be 100% from the field every single day. It just doesn’t happen. The key to getting things done is expecting this and getting right back on that horse when you can. Too many people will allow personal setbacks to keep them down. One off day shouldn’t derail your 5 year plan for yourself. Don’t let it. The key word is consistency. You have to consistently get back up and get back to work. Timeline doesn’t matter.
FIND THE TIME. If not, you will get nothing done. “If you have time to lean, you have time to clean” is an old saying every person who’s clocked into a menial job has heard before. Just means if you have time to chill, you have time to work. I used to hate this saying when I was younger and clocking in but if you apply it to your life and actually take a look around at all of the time you currently waste that can be used on other things, you will probably start to feel sick. Check your screen time numbers. How many hours of your day is spent scrolling endlessly on social media? What about watching tv? 10hrs this week on Instagram could have been spent studying for that license/certification you want for that promotion. Or finishing that book you started 2 months ago. Or taking that cooking class you’ve always wanted to. Or that cycling class at the gym. THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING TO DO AND YOU ALREADY HAVE THE TIME IN YOUR SCHEDULE, YOU JUST NEED TO PRIORITIZE.
KEEP GOING DESPITE YOUR MISTAKES AND YOUR EMOTIONS. You don’t want to work today? So what. Do it anyway. Are you sad? Depressed? Stressed because you feel like a failure because nothing is working? Good. Use that as fuel and keep working. I’m not saying go out and kill yourself for success, but you know exactly what times I’m talking about. Stop being lazy.
GET YOUR MENTAL TOGETHER. Without a sound mind, you will crumble and fast. What is something you can do today (THAT IS FREE) to help regulate your mental? MEDITATION. Stop taking those extra minutes in bed in the morning on social media and instead meditate. Clear your mind. Look up deep breathing techniques on YouTube and master them. Rinse and repeat for stretching. Learn how to breathe properly while stretching. Use this time to speak life into your being. Think about where you want to be in life and the steps you need to take to get there. Think about the negative qualities you have that you want to replace with positive qualities. Don’t dwell on the negative. Spend more time on the positive. The more positive you think, the more positivity leaks into your life. The more negative thoughts you feed yourself… the more negativity gets thrown your way. You are a magnet. The things you want will gravitate towards you with the right space to allow them to. Don’t just think about what you want to do, imagine a day in your life with your goal complete. Write down your affirmations before bed and recite them back to yourself in the morning after you meditate.
If you never give up, eventually you’ll get somewhere.
That is literally all there is to it. If you work at something long enough, you will become a master. The issue most people have is, THEY ARE MASTERS AT THINGS THAT DON’T MATTER. Binge watching tv shows. Celebrity gossip. The ins and outs of the dating scene. Neighborhood drama. Office drama. What’s “in” currently in fashion trends… the list goes on. Become a master at something that matters; like being the best YOU that YOU can be. Master yourself. Study yourself. If you’re going to spend 10hrs a week doing anything, let it be taking care of SELF. Not doom scrolling on social media or watching tv knowing you have self work to complete. You see, you only get ONE vessel (body) and ONE brain (mind) in this lifetime. You have to do your best to take care of it while it still has life.
So do more… like right now. Today!
DON’T MISS OUT… Next week I will be dropping a detailed post about creating your very own 5 year action plan for my paid subscribers. I will be going into great detail with steps ANYONE can take to create their own 5 year action plan and how to stick to the plan from start to finish. Upgrade your free subscription to a paid one so you can gain access to ALL posts, paid & free, as well as full access to the FSO archive with everything I’ve posted thus far.. (FOR ONLY $5/MONTH OR $50/YEAR)!
In my free list, I explore the many things life has to offer. I give the crowd a kick in the ass every now and then (2, maybe 3x a month max). New opportunities. Careers. Life hacks. FSO is all about opening the different doors and peeking inside. For my paid list, I will actually walk through these various doors (EVERY WEEK, MAYBE MORE). Join the community!
lol I needed this wake up call, appreciate you! Have a great birthday too!!
Happy Early Birthday 🥳🥳🥳