Everyone feels it and experiences it when they meet and interact with people on a daily basis. If you’re grumpy, people can feel that even when you put your best face forward… you’re still a grouch in disguise. It works just the same for the opposite attitude. If you’re infectiously happy, then it will be truly hard to hide that from the people around you.
Good energy attracts good energy and negative energy attracts negative energy. Energy can also be transferred.. just by what you’re giving off. For example, if someone sees you in public with a big, bright smile.. and they in turn start smiling and take that smile with them everywhere else they go throughout the day.. that’s a good energy exchange. Now think about it on the opposite end, you get into a road rage exchange with another driver over nothing. Now you both leave the situation heated. Then when you reach your two different destinations, you both take your anger out on the first people you come into contact with. These people then take this transferred energy and keep the ball rolling as their day goes on. You see how this can get bad? Or extremely good. The potential fallout vs the potential good vibes that can be spread. Just think about the possibilities.
As we reflect on our year and head into a new one, think about how you present yourself to the outside world, especially your ENERGY.
How do you approach your day? Is it with optimism or with reluctance?
Do you smile more than you frown or is it the opposite?
Do you look forward to new things, people, opportunities, or do you approach things like Oscar the Grouch?
All of these things matter. Everyone has off days, BUT this doesn’t mean that the majority of your days are “off”.
Put your best face forward EVERY SINGLE DAY. Develop a morning AND nightly routine to set yourself up with success. If you know you’re a grouch at work if you’re tired AND you know you have to be at work at 7am sharp, why set yourself up for failure by going to bed past midnight. This will only lead to you waking up later than expected, getting stuck in traffic, not being able to make or stop for your morning coffee because you’re late and so on.. It only gets worse as your day goes on. You arrive at work in a mood and the rest is downhill from there. And it all started with you going to bed late. You set your energy in the wrong direction. Set yourself up for success. Execute that nightly routine consistently. Set up your mornings so that you’re virtually never late to work or rushing, and you always have your coffee/breakfast. Starting your day on the right foot allows you to be in the mood to get things done. In the first situation, you more than likely walked into work with low energy to put into your day, causing your output at work to lack. Low energy = sucky networking, not closing deals, not being friendly with your clients etc. In the second situation, you more than likely started your day in the winner’s chair. You felt like you started the day on cloud 9. You smiled everywhere you went, got your morning coffee, got to work early enough to prepare for the day… the list goes on.
Starting on the right foot vs the wrong one all starts with your ENERGY. How you approach situations is everything. How difficult something is has a lot to do with your attitude when you approach it vs the actual difficulty level of the task at hand. Having a negative attitude towards something only makes it harder to accomplish. Like your day for example, approaching a brand new day with low, negative energy kills the day before it even has a chance to start. Apply this to the rest of your life.
Don’t get sucked into negative thinking and low energy activities. You already know what negative thinking gets you. Low energy activities do the same thing. These activities are basically things that you do that do NOT add anything to your life in the long run. For example; sitting around watching Netflix all day with no money in the bank. This isn’t adding anything to your life but instant gratification in the moment. In actuality, it’s hindering you in the long run because you are wasting time. This is one low energy activity that many people do on a daily basis. Low energy (NEGATIVE) activities attract more low energy (NEGATIVE) activities. Binge watching tv and binge eating go hand in hand. Like being into the drug scene and being in dangerous situations, same thing. High energy (POSITIVE) activities usually attract more high energy (POSITIVE) activities. One popular example of this is working out and eating better. They kind of go hand in hand. People who consistently make time for exercise tend to make healthier food choices vs those that don’t. How you do one thing is how you do everything. Always remember that. Choose wisely.