When people talk about the most successful people they know, they often talk about the clothes they wear or the items they have, rarely the content of their character or how their character and integrity got them to the places they are in life. They also don’t know most of these people personally behind closed doors. They usually focus on outside appearances when judging others. If you drive a nice car and live in an enviable neighborhood, then you’re successful. It doesn’t matter if you’re drowning in debt or the matter in which you got these items, all that matters is the material possessions you own. Notice most people’s assessment of success is what someone HAS and not what they DID. It is important for you to determine on your own what success looks like for you. The mainstream isn’t always correct.
While material possessions and the ability to afford them can be a symbol of your hard work.. It is never the whole case. IT IS NOT ON YOU, IT’S IN YOU. If you set a goal internally, something that YOU truly want to go after, the only person you can let down is YOU. So if your goal is nice cars and homes, and you get that, then you’re successful. But you’re not successful because you acquired material things. You’re successful because you accomplished a large goal that you set for yourself. So don’t think of your success as something you have to prove to others. It’s something that you have to do for yourself. Being successful is not anything that you can put on in the morning. It is something that is inside of you that you have to overcome and put time into. It’s not about showing off expensive things, it is about showing yourself that you can do the things you want to do in life. The nice shit is just a bonus. Well maybe that’s just me. Define it for yourself (LOL… you get me).
So always remember, it’s not about what you’re wearing, it’s about the content of the character inside of you. Shallow people judge you based on your clothing and outward appearance. In reality, you should be judged by the path you took to get to what you got, but that’s not something I’m going to get into too deeply.
I’ll leave you with this:
Buy material things because you like them, not for the validation of others
Your success is measured by you accomplishing goals that matter to you and not anyone else
You have to live with yourself at the end of the day so you want to be proud of the decisions you made.. Right?
Don’t judge others (negatively or positively) based on what they have/have on, you don’t know what it took for them to get there, everyone’s journey is different
Focus on your journey and what success looks like for you, not the outside world. You may not be happy with what success looks like for the general population.