FIRST, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND YOURS! Play time is OVER. Back to business.
I get a lot of emails/DMs/mentions online… and like 90% of them are pretty frustrating to read/hear: they all want the same thing, some type of shortcut to a life they didn’t work for. It’s annoying as hell and pretty frustrating that many people think like this.
There is no shortcut to success.
You have to work.
You will fail. More than once or twice. Get used to it.
You have to sacrifice for things you want.
You will feel alone at times. Even with a partner.
You will lose money.
You probably won’t win on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd try.
You will not take someone else’s plan and make it work for you without making adjustments that work for YOU.
There is no blueprint. Stop skipping around trying to avoid the work. The work is how you win.
You need to put in your 10,000 hours (roughly). Masters put in their time and earn their stripes.
Stop crying and get to fuckin work.
If you want a better house, better job, better looking/feeling body, better life in general? GET TO WORK. Wake up and GRIND. Every. Single. Day. Get off your ass and make a plan and start executing. That is the only way you will get from point A to point B. Nobody is coming to save you or push you along to the next checkpoint.
Your success is the direct result of the work you put in. So get to work. The clock is ticking and it’s only getting harder as the years pass by. There is no hiding from the work. If you hide from work, you’re just hiding from success. You don’t compete by sitting on the bench, you compete by getting in the game and putting in work. You can miss shots but you can’t make any shots you don’t put up.
I’m tired of the questions. THERE IS NO SHORTCUT. You will lose sleep. You will lose money. You will learn hard lessons along the way. The faster you start, the faster you get there. YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO. PICK A LANE AND JUMP IN AND GET INTO THAT FIRST FAILURE. It’s like jumping into the pool when you first get there. There are two types of people at the pool; those that just jump in and get it over with, and those that dip a toe then another toe then ease in. But life isn’t the pool. You will actually be A LOT better off by jumping straight in and getting it over with. People that move slowly usually miss the boat. And it takes them too long to fail and learn lessons. BECAUSE THEY’RE SCARED OF FAILING. People who don’t fear failure, usually end up winning in life. Because they fail fast and they fail EARLY. People who do that learn their lessons earlier, autocorrect earlier, and end up on the right path A LOT earlier than those who let fear hold them back from jumping into the pit.
Fear is an obstacle by itself. If you let fear consume you, you will get nothing done. Fear cripples the body and mind like a paralyzing parasite. It holds you back from doing or being ANYTHING. Fear is a DISEASE that must be eradicated from your life. You shouldn’t fear trying and learning. That’s counterproductive.
So if you’re on your “new year, new me” kick then get to fuckin work right now. Fail fast and fail early. Correct yourself when necessary. Pivot when necessary. DO SOMETHING. Just don’t stay stagnant and in the same place you were last year. Evaluate your previous decision making. What about the last couple years was good? What was bad? How can you adjust and make a change today? Person bringing you hell in life? Cut them off. Leave them alone. Any situation that isn’t adding is subtracting and a lot of people don’t realize then until it’s too late and they’ve already lost too much or gotten too far behind. Now is the time for autocorrect. Not tomorrow.