(Welcome back! More emails/posts to come, it was Thanksgiving/Black Friday… so you know.. wanted to give everyone space to be with family + and friends chance to snag some Stack Store gear)
Don’t forget what’s important
As we ease through this holiday season, don’t forget what you need to get back to: THAT WORK. If your mission isn’t complete, never stray too far away from it. Vacation, kicking it with family, just overall downtime away from work; ALL GOOD AND NECESSARY. But understand that they can’t be enjoyed without putting in the necessary time and work to make that time away actually enjoyable. Can’t have that beautiful meal in that beautiful family home without the funds to buy those things. Being able to enjoy your family during the holidays feels a lot better when you have your shit together.
Whatever light switch you turned off when you “clocked out” and went into holiday mode, TURN THAT BACK ON. It's time to go! Success is bred from preparation and repetition. You need to prepare yourself for what’s to come AND you prepare yourself through habit building (repetition!). Do something enough, and it sticks. Whatever bad habits you have now, you need to kick it ASAP. It is time to kick your good habit building into hyperdrive. Start today! December 1st started on a Sunday. This is the perfect week to get back inline with the path you want to be on by day 1 on the new year. I don’t do New Year’s resolutions. I do however take time near the end of every single year to not only reflect on what I did this year, but to think about what I want to see in my life for the coming year.
For example…
What changed this year from last year? Did it impact you negatively or positively over the course of the year?
What is something you implemented this year that you want to take into the new year?
What are some things you don’t want to take into the new year with you?
Am I on track with my 5 Year Plan (wherever I am on that plan)? What needs to change or be updated?
Where do you see yourself this time next year, when it is time to reflect again?
These are the things that are swirling through my mind this week… letting certain things go and picking certain things up happened over the course of the year, this is just when I reflect on those decisions and how they made my life better (or worse). Life is always evolving and living means evolving with it. You have to constantly look at yourself like an ongoing science experiment with different variables that you can change. It is all up to YOU. If you continue to make the same decisions year after year, you will constantly be in the same place, if not, worse off. The world will constantly change around you, whether you decide to change with it or not. Taking time to not only reflect on past decisions but also to meticulously curate your future is imperative to your long term success. Choose wisely.